Thursday, April 16, 2009

Folgers coffee: Manhole

A print of a coffee mug was placed on top of steaming manhole cover in New York City, USA. Holes on the print allows the steam to come out and makes it look real. The wordings around the cup says: ‘Hey, City That Never Sleeps. Wake up.” from Folgers. This must be one of the best guerilla/ambient advertisements ever made. A very creative and cost-effective campaign which is just impossible to be ignored by a passerby.
The main objective of a Guerrilla Marketing Campaign is to grab the attention of as many people as possible. So where does one look to find as many people as possible? Well the streets of New York City, for starters. Folgers covered man holes throughout the city with big steaming cups of coffee. The tag line simply asked for the city that never sleeps to wake themselves up with some Folgers. Not only was the tag line catchy but the campaign was near impossible to miss. With millions of people walking the streets of NYC everyday, how many thought they almost walked into a cup of coffee.

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